Source code for sw.child

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Value
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.phantomjs.service import Service as PhantomJSService
from sw.const import * # Constants
from sw.formatting import formatError, errorLevelToStr
from sw.cache import ElementCache 
import time, os, traceback, subprocess
from pprint import pformat
from datetime import datetime
from selenium.common.exceptions import *

[docs]class Child: """Initializes our child and then starts it. It takes our pool's childqueue, our pool's workqueue, our child's number to report back statuses, our base log directory, and a collection of options. :param cq: ChildQueue, this is passed from :class:`sw.pool` and is used to transmit the status of the child to our pool. :param wq: WorkQueue, also passed from :class:`sw.pool` and child pops a function off of it to run (a job) when it finishes a job / starts initially. :param num: Number of the child relevant to :class:`sw.pool`'s array. This index is used to easily communicate results and relate them to the child in that array. `num` is also used when printing out a status message. :param log: Base log directory which we spit logs and screenshots into. :param options: Dict from kwargs which contains directives to pass to GhostDriver. :return: Child (self) """ def __init__( self, cq, wq, num, log, options ): # Our output queue (childqueue) self.cq = cq # Our input queue (workqueue) self.wq = wq # Our child number self.num = num # Our driver instance self.driver = None # Our log folder which never changes self.log = log # Our log handle self.lh = "" # Do we load images and other options self.options = options # Logging level self.level = self.options.get( 'level', NOTICE ) # Storage for our function we get self.func = None # How long we sleep in loops self.sleepTime = self.options.get( 'childsleeptime', 1 ) # Our per page element cache. self.cache = ElementCache( ) # Our current status, wrapped self.statusVar = Value( 'i', STARTING ) # Now start self.start( )
[docs] def think( self ): """The meat of the wrapper, where the main thinking is done. Takes no arguments, just reads from self variables set in :py:class:`sw.Child`. PhantomJS is added into the python path by run.bat, so that is already handled. :return: None """ # Push a STARTING message to our pool self.display( DISP_START ) wq = self.wq cq = self.cq # Monkeypatch our PhantomJS class in, which disables images webdriver.phantomjs.webdriver.Service = PhantomJSNoImages sargs = [ ''.join( [ '--load-images=', str( self.options['images'] ).lower( ) ] ), ''.join( [ '--disk-cache=', str( self.options.get( 'browsercache', "true" ) ).lower( ) ] ), ''.join( [ '--ignore-ssl-errors=', str( self.options.get( 'ignoresslerrors', "yes" ) ).lower( ) ] ) ] if 'proxy' in self.options: sargs.append( ''.join( [ '--proxy=', self.options['proxy'] ] ) ) if 'proxytype' in self.options: sargs.append( ''.join( [ '--proxy-type=', self.options['proxytype'] ] ) ) try: # Initialize our driver with our custom log directories and preferences (capabilities) self.driver = webdriver.PhantomJS( service_log_path=os.path.join( self.log, self.options.get( 'ghostdriverlog', "ghostdriver.log" ) ), service_args=sargs ) except Exception as e: self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Webdriver failed to load: ", str( e ), "\n", traceback.format_exc( ) ] ), CRITICAL ) try: self.driver.quit( ) except: return return # Insert ourself into webdriver self.driver.child = self # Change our implicit wait time self.driver.implicitly_wait( 0 ) cq.put( [ self.num, READY, "" ] ) # Write to our log another message indicating we are starting our runs self.logMsg( "Child process started and loaded" ) # While our work queue isn't empty... while not wq.empty( ): self.func = wq.get( True, 5 ) res = [] start = 0 # Still running self.status( RUNNING ) # Try, if an element isn't found an exception is thrown try: self.cache.clear( ) start = time.time( ) self.display( DISP_GOOD ) self.func( self.driver ) except TimeoutException as e: self.display( DISP_ERROR ) screen = self.logError( str( e ) ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Stack trace: ", traceback.format_exc( ) ] ), CRITICAL ) cq.put( [ self.num, FAILED, ( time.time( ) - start ), str( e ), screen ] ) self.logMsg( "Timeout when finding element." ) time.sleep( 1 ) except Exception as e: self.display( DISP_ERROR ) screen = self.logError( str( e ) ) # Capture the exception and log it self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Stack trace: ", traceback.format_exc( ) ] ), CRITICAL ) cq.put( [ self.num, FAILED, ( time.time( ) - start ), str( e ), screen ] ) time.sleep( 1 ) break else: self.display( DISP_FINISH ) t = time.time( ) - start cq.put( [ self.num, DONE, ( time.time( ) - start ), "" ] ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Successfully finished job (", format( t ), "s)" ] ) ) time.sleep( 0.5 ) # Quit after we have finished our work queue, this kills the phantomjs process. self.driver.quit( ) self.display( DISP_DONE ) self.status( FINISHED )
[docs] def logError( self, e, noScreenshot=False ): """Log Screenshot of Error with Exception Renders a screenshot of what it sees then writes it to our log directory as error_#.png Also takes the exception we received and exports it as text :param e: Unicode json-encoded string from a webdriver-thrown error. :param False noScreenshot: Whether or not to take a screenshot of the error. :return: String for screenshot location, if any. """ o = pformat( formatError( e, "log" ) ) self.logMsg( o, CRITICAL ) if not noScreenshot: return self.screenshot( CRITICAL )
[docs] def screenshot( self, level=NOTICE ): """Saves a screenshot to error_#.png and prints a message into the log specifying the file logged to. :param NOTICE level: This determines whether or not the error message will be logged according to the level set in self.level. The screenshot will print anyway. If this error is not greater or equal to the level specified in self.level, it is not printed. If it is, the message is printed into log.txt with the level specified by the timestamp. :return: String for screenshot location """ fn = "" i = 0 # If we are writing several errors, number them appropriately if not os.path.exists( self.log ): raise ValueError( ''.join( [ "Cannot write to a log directory that doesn't exist. ", self.log ] ), CRITICAL ) return while True: fn = os.path.join( self.log, ''.join( [ 'error_', str( i ), '.png' ] ) ) i += 1 if not os.path.isfile( fn ): break self.driver.save_screenshot( fn ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Wrote screenshot to: ", fn ] ), level ) return fn
[docs] def logMsg( self, e, level=NOTICE, **kwargs ): """Writes to our message log if level is greater than or equal to our level (in self.log). :param e: The message to be written to the log. :param NOTICE level: This determines whether or not the error message will be logged according to the level set in self.level. If this error is not greater or equal to the level specified in self.level, it is not printed. If it is, the message is printed into log.txt with the level specified by the timestamp. :Kwargs: * **locals** (*None*): Optional locals dict to print out cleanly. :return: None """ locals = kwargs.get( 'locals', None ) # Send error if appropriate if level >= ERROR: self.display( DISP_ERROR ) # Determine if we're logging this low if level < self.level: return # Get our timestamp timestamp = ).strftime( "%H:%M:%S" ) # String w = ''.join( [ "[", timestamp, "] ", errorLevelToStr( level ), "\t", e, "\n" ] ) # Locals if specified if locals != None: self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Local variables: ", pformat( locals ) ] ), level ) # This typically errors out the first time through try: self.lh.write( w ) except: self.lh = open( os.path.join( self.log, ''.join( [ 'log-', str( self.num + 1 ), '.txt' ] ) ), 'a+', 0 ) self.lh.write( w )
[docs] def display( self, t ): """Sends a display message to the main loop, which is then translated to the UI. :param t: The status this child will now show, a constant starting with DISP in :returns: None """ self.cq.put( [ self.num, DISPLAY, t ] )
[docs] def is_alive( self ): """Checks if the child's process is still running, if it is then it returns True, otherwise False. There's a check for if the process is None, which is set when a child terminates. :return: Boolean for if Child process is still active (different from if a child is processing data). """ if self.proc != None: return self.proc.is_alive( ) else: return False
[docs] def status( self, type=None ): """Uses a multiprocess-safe variable to transmit our status upstream. These values are listed under universal status types in The status types allow better logging and, for example, prevent children that were already terminated from being terminated again (and throwing an exception). When called with a type it will set this child's status on both the main process and the child's process. When called without it, it reads from the status variable. :param None type: The new value of our status. :returns: If type isn't specified, our status. If it is, it sets our type and returns None. """ if type is None: return self.statusVar.value else: with self.statusVar.get_lock( ): self.statusVar.value = type
[docs] def start( self, flag=DISP_LOAD ): """Starts our child process off properly, used after a restart typically. :param DISP_LOAD flag: A custom flag to change the display color of the child, if desired. :return: None """ # Not stopped anymore self.status( STARTING ) # Create our path if not os.path.isdir( self.log ): os.makedirs( self.log ) # Open our handle self.lh = open( os.path.join( self.log, ''.join( [ 'log-', str( self.num + 1 ), '.txt' ] ) ), 'a+' ) # Show loading self.display( flag ) # Our process self.proc = Process( target=self.think, args=( ) ) self.proc.start( )
[docs] def restart( self, msg="restarting", flag=None ): """Restarts the child process and gets webdriver running again. :param "RESTARTING" msg: A message to print out in parenenthesis. :param None flag: A custom flag to change the display color of the child, if desired. :return: None """ if flag is not None: self.stop( msg, flag ) self.start( flag ) else: self.stop( msg ) self.start( )
[docs] def stop( self, msg="", flag=FINISHED, disp_flag=DISP_DONE ): """Stops a child process properly and sets its self.proc to None. Optionally takes a message to print out. :param "" msg: A message to show in parenthesis on the console next to ``Child #: STOPPING (msg)``. :param FINISHED flag: A custom status flag for if the child is finished, paused, stopped, or whatever is desired. :param DISP_DONE disp_flag: A custom display flag for the status of the child after stopping. :return: None """ if self.proc == None: return # Prevent the pool from trying to restart us self.status( flag ) if msg != "": self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Stopping child process: \"", msg, "\"" ] ) ) else: self.logMsg( "Stopping child process" ) # Kill our process if self.proc != None: if != "posix": [ 'taskkill', '/F', '/T', '/PID', str( ) ], stdout=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ), stderr=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ) ) else: [ 'pkill', '-TERM', '-P', str( ) ], stdout=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ), stderr=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ) ) self.proc.join( ) self.proc = None # Inform the TUI that we're done. self.display( disp_flag ) # Close our log self.lh.close( )
[docs]class PhantomJSNoImages( PhantomJSService ): """This class sits atop our PhantomJSService class included in webdriver to implemention service_args inclusion, which we pass by default --load-images=no to disable images. :param PhantomJSService: Pass this function the PhantomJSService class so that it can patch on top of it. :return: PhantomJsNoImages (self) """ def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): service_args = kwargs.setdefault( 'service_args', [] ) super( PhantomJSNoImages, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )