Source code for sw.pool

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from sw.child import Child
import time, os, datetime, curses
from sw.const import * # Constants
from sw.formatting import * 
from import *

[docs]class Pool: """Stores parameters across all children, sets out log directory, initializes our data arrays, records start times, and pops `numJobs` functions into a Queue. Abstracts and makes it easier to manage scores of child processes. Also has a :func:`think` process to continuously manage them. :param func: The function reference that will be put into our work queue `numJobs` times. :param file: Filename with directory of our script which contained `func`. This is used to create a relative log directory. :param kwargs: Kwargs dict passed to :func:`main`, eventually passes arguments on to GhostDriver. 'stagger' is pulled from this dict if it exists. :returns: Pool (self) """ def __init__( self, func, file, kwargs ): # Our children self.children = [ ] # Statistics and data per child = [ ] self.status = STARTING # Our one way queue from our children self.childQueue = Queue( ) # Our work for children self.workQueue = Queue( ) # Options to be passed to children self.options = kwargs # Starting children self.startChildren = self.options['children'] # Our function self.func = func # General log directory, shared by all children self.log = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( file ) ), "logs", ).strftime( self.options.get( "logformat", "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S" ) ) ) os.makedirs( self.log ) # Marks our start time, set when first child sends starting self.started = None # Our pool log self.lh = open( os.path.join( self.log, 'pool.txt' ), 'w+', 0 ) # Our log level self.level = self.options['level'] if self.level != NOTICE and self.level != NONE: self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Internal log level overriden to: ", errorLevelToStr( self.level, False ) ] ) , NONE ) # Our reporting object self.reporting = Report( self ) ####### Settings ######## # Time between children spawning self.staggeredTime = self.options.get( 'staggertime', 5 ) ####### One Offs ######## # Populate our work queue for x in range(self.options['jobs']): self.workQueue.put( func ) # Next time we'll spawn a child self.nextSpawn = time.time( ) self.logMsg( "Pool starting" ) self.reporting.start( )
[docs] def newChild( self ): """Creates a new :class:`child` which will in turn start itself. :returns: None """ # First see if there's another child that's stopped for c in self.children: if c.status( ) >= STOPPED: c.start( ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Respawning old child (#", str( c.num + 1 ), ")" ] ) ) self.reporting.newChild( c.num ) return [ 0, 0, DISP_LOAD, [ ] ] ) self.reporting.newChild( len( self.children ) ) self.children.append( Child( self.childQueue, self.workQueue, len( self.children ), self.log, self.options ) ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Spawned new child (#", str( len( self.children ) ), ")" ] ) )
[docs] def endChild( self, i=None ): """Removes the last created :class:`child`, called by GUI. :param None i: The index of the child process to kill. If not specified, it chooses the last child in the pool.children array that is alive. :returns: None """ if len( self.children ) == 0: return c = None if i == None: for c in self.children[::-1]: if c.status( ) <= RUNNING: break else: c = self.children[i] if c == None: return if c.status( ) == RUNNING: self.workQueue.put( self.func ) self.logMsg( "Readding terminated child's job" ) else: self.logMsg( "Not running a job, status: " + str( c.status( ) ) ) if c.status( ) <= RUNNING: self.reporting.endChild( c.num ) # Report that we're ending a child c.stop( "Stopped by GUI", STOPPED ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Stopping child (#", str( c.num + 1 ), ")" ] ) ) self.reporting.stop( )
[docs] def successful( self ): """Reports the number of jobs successfully completed so far. :returns: Integer for number of jobs successfully completed. """ if len( ) > 0: return reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, map( lambda x: x[SUCCESSES], ) ) else: return 0
[docs] def failed( self ): """Reports failed jobs so far. :returns: Integer for number of failed jobs. """ if len( ) > 0: return reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, map( lambda x: x[FAILURES], ) ) else: return 0
[docs] def timeTaken( self, sum=False ): """Reports how long everything has taken so far. :param False sum: Whether or not to return the sum of the time taken on jobs. :returns: List of individual job run times if sum is False, otherwise the amount of time taken as a float. """ times = [ item for sublist in map( lambda x: x[TIMES], ) for item in sublist ] # Flatten if sum: return sum( times ) else: return times
[docs] def think( self ): """Runs through a single think loop; called by :py:func:`sw.wrapper.mainLoop` until there is no more work remaining. Check children are alive/restart if there are more jobs. Checks queues and parses any data. :returns: None """ self.reporting.think( ) # Check our queues while not self.childQueue.empty( ): r = self.childQueue.get( False ) i = r[NUMBER] if r[RESULT] == DONE:[i][SUCCESSES] += 1[i][TIMES].append( r[TIME] ) self.reporting.jobFinish( r[TIME], i ) elif r[RESULT] == FAILED: curses.flash( )[i][FAILURES] += 1 self.reporting.jobFail( r[ERROR], i, r[EXTRA1] ) # When we get a failure we put the job back on the queue self.workQueue.put( self.func ) elif r[RESULT] == READY and self.started == None: self.started = time.time( ) elif r[RESULT] == DISPLAY:[i][DISPLAY] = r[TIME] # Still spawning children, ignore their status until done. if self.status == STARTING: left = self.startChildren - len( self.children ) # We have children left to spawn, spawn one if left > 0 and time.time( ) > self.nextSpawn: self.newChild( ) if self.options['stagger']: self.nextSpawn = time.time( ) + self.staggeredTime # Done spawning children, so done starting elif left == 0: self.status = RUNNING # Constant check to see if children and running and to automatically restart them elif self.status == RUNNING: # Check that children are alive, restart for c in self.children: #Check if we need more workers or if one is alive / without job to take this if c.status( ) >= FINISHED and not self.workQueue.empty( ): count = 0 # Get a count of starting children which haven't grabbed a job yet. for d in self.children: if d.status( ) < RUNNING: count += 1 # If even after these children start we don't have enough workers for the job queue, start this one too if self.workQueue.qsize( ) - count > 0: c.start( "Automatic start as more work is available." ) self.reporting.newChild( c.num ) self.logMsg( "Starting additional child as more work is available." ) # Clean up leftover children that have manually terminated but still have processes elif c.status( ) >= FINISHED and c.proc is not None and self.workQueue.empty( ): self.reporting.endChild( c.num ) c.stop( "DONE (cleanup of old processes)" ) self.logMsg( ''.join( [ "Stopping child as no more work is available (#", str( c.num + 1 ), ")" ] ) )
[docs] def done( self ): """Returns a True/False if the pool is done processing jobs. Called continuously by our main loop. When False, the program terminates. :return: Boolean for if there are children still running work. """ if self.status >= STOPPED: return True if self.childQueue.empty( ) and self.workQueue.empty( ): for c in self.children: if c.status( ) <= PAUSED: return False else: return False return True
[docs] def logMsg( self, msg, level=NOTICE ): """Logs a message to our log file in a consistent format. Depends on pool.lh already being initialized and ready for writing. Does not flush the handle. :param msg: The message to be logged. :param NOTICE level: The level of the message included. If the level is not greater than or equal to the user-specified level, the message is discarded. :returns: None """ # Get our timestamp timestamp = ).strftime( "%H:%M:%S" ) # String w = ''.join( [ "[", timestamp, "] ", errorLevelToStr( level ), "\t", msg, "\n" ] ) if level >= self.level: self.lh.write( w )
[docs] def stop( self, type=STOPPED ): """Stops the pool cleanly and terminates all the children in it. Currently handles pausing too until I need special functionality. :param STOPPED type: Type of stopping this is, either pausing or stopping. :return: None """ self.logMsg( "Pool stopped, stopping all children." ) for c in self.children: self.endChild( c.num ) self.status = type self.reporting.stop( )
[docs] def start( self ): """Restarts a pool after it's been stop( )ed. :return: None """ self.logMsg( "Pool started, starting all children." ) for c in self.children: c.start( ) self.reporting.newChild( c.num ) self.status = RUNNING self.reporting.start( )