Source code for sw.wrapper
from sw.pool import Pool
from sw.ui import Ui
from sw.initialsettings import InitialSettings
import sys, time, curses
[docs]def main( func, file, **kwargs ):
""" Is called from our wrapped script. Parses any arguments passed to our script from the command
line and then starts and manages our pool.
:param func: The function that will be ran continously to simulate load.
:param file: Usually __file__, the name of a script in the directory that log/ will be in.
:returns: None
# Get options and defaults
curses.wrapper( InitialSettings, kwargs )
pool = Pool( func, file, kwargs )
curses.wrapper( mainLoop, pool )
pool.stop( )
[docs]def mainLoop( stdscr, pool ):
"""Takes the pool created previously and just loops around it. Currently it just calls the pool's
think function repeatedly.
:param stdscr: Our screen from curses.
:param pool: Our created child pool in :func:`main`.
:returns: None
pool.ui = Ui( stdscr, pool )
pool.ui.drawMainScreen( True )
while True:
pool.think( )
pool.ui.think( )
pool.ui.sleep( 0.1 )