************ Installation ************ When initializing a brand new installation and not having a prepackaged converter, first checkout the repository:: git clone https://github.com/brhoades/selenium_wrapper.git ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Converter Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install `Ruby `_ and then the appropriate `ActiveTCL `_ library for your version. After installing, navigate to the directory cloned into and run:: bundle install This will install the Ruby gems required for the converter to function. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wrapper Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prepare a python installation for the converter program. Python 2.7.8 is the supported Python version. Now `Install Python `_ for the correct platform. Use `pip `_ to install the `Selenium Library `_ and `Splunklib `_:: pip install selenium splunklib Also install the latest version of the `PhantomJS binary `_ for your platform. Currently a distributed setup where a separate install of Python is shipped with each script is only possible for Windows. For other operating systems, there will need to be a system wide installation on every machine participating. For these other operating systems ensure that the "Python" option is unchecked on the converter. """"""""""""" Windows Setup """"""""""""" `Install Python`_ into the default folder. The fewer modules that are included, the better. Excluding ``lib-tk``, documentation, and testing suites will streamline things. This folder will later be copied to the correct spot. Install `pip`_ into your Python installation. Afterwards, use pip to install the `Selenium Library`_ and `Splunklib `_:: pip install selenium splunklib Now install the `curses extension package `_. Finally copy/move the Python folder that was just created to ``conversion_utils/python27``. Extract the ``phantomjs-release.zip`` for Windows and put the binary within the ``python27`` folder as well. To run the conversion program:: ruby main.rb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Converter Distribution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To ease other's usage of the converter, consider packaging it into an exe using `OCRA `_. `OCRA`_ will convert the ruby file into a preinterpreted format which does not require a ruby installation to run. The following will install the gem and run the compiler:: gem install ocra ocra_compile.bat